Isometric Tech Scene – Australian Fintech Company

A concept produced for an Australian Financial Tech company to demonstrate how their product gathered and utilised data for customers.

About the Project

Visual Domain was approached by Frontier Pricing to produce an explainer advertisement for their new product; Fast Tracker. After I produced the initial designs, the middle section (discussed here) was deemed not to match the client’s vision. However, the design struck a chord with me and my team so I developed it in my own time.


The script for the Voice Over was provided with little in the way of visual description. The section emphasised in bold below is the section of the animation shown in this project breakdown.

If gaining regular consumer insights is important to your business, then FastTracker could be the best news you’ve heard for a long time

With results delivered within 48 hours of commissioning and at half the cost of traditional market research, FastTracker’s breakthrough tech platform, created and managed by expert data scientists, consumer psychologists and market researchers, is set to disrupt the consumer research market forever.

Real time consumer feedback is fed directly into your own custom dashboard, giving you the ability to make critical real time business decisions based on the most recent and accurate consumer research available.

To find out more, book a demo and learn how FastTracker is smashing the barriers to fast and affordable consumer research and the benefits it can deliver to your business.


The original brief was to create a video that showcased the advance technology used by the product to collect and retrieve data on customers. For this personal project I explored the inner workings of a software and how to visually represent something otherwise to complex to describe.


The visual metaphors I used to imply complexity include hard-drives and computer internal structures, data visualisations, customer profiles, network connections and city-scapes. These were combined in an ethereal science-fiction scene to elevate the whole.

I produced the elements in Adobe Illustrator with a standard isometric grid overlayed (see Project Images). Important to the aesteric were subtle gradients of blues.

Small movements were added in many places to indicate activity, including a bokeh overlay and shifting data visualisations.

Lastly, a contrast between the relatively peaceful beginning state and the state after being ‘activated’ for data retrieval was important and emphasised with increased movement, camera panning and audio cues.

Note also how the important beats of the provided Voice Over script are represented with activity in the scene.

Project Images

As stated, the original concept was dismissed by the client. However, upon completion of this scene in my own time I was encourage by my producer and senior animator to include it in my portfolio.

Lastly, I enjoyed the process and hope to develop this concept even further for a client that provides a technology of great social value.

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